Mickoski replied to Gruevski: If he were alive and well, I would never want to do to people what I don't want them to do to me

If he were healthy and alive, I would never want to do to people what I don't want them to do to me, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, briefly commented on the latest statement of his predecessor, Nikola Gruevski.

In his last status, Gruevski accused Mickoski of making an alliance with SDSM, and declared him an enemy.

Mickoski pointed out that if the government believes that there is a split in VMRO-DPMNE, then they would have a better position, so let them dissolve the parliament and go to elections.

- That is the only way to show where there is a split, here let the parliament be dissolved and let's go to elections to see what the outcome will be, stressed Mickoski.

Regarding the meetings of the IC and the Central Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, Mickoski said that they are regular because there will be elections soon.

- Yesterday we had an Executive Committee, tomorrow a regular Central Committee, decisions need to be made, in approximately 6 months from today we will have important presidential and parliamentary elections, the structures of the party are being completed and these are regular processes and the Executive and Central Committees, said Mickoski .

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