Micevski: Where and to whom will Artan Grubi prove his innocence?

Photo: Channel 5

Nikola Micevski from VMRO-DPMNE tonight in "Only the truth" on "Channel 5" accused that DUI applies double standards regarding the responsibility of its officials, stating that Ramiz Merko was excluded immediately after the sanctions from the USA, while space is left for Artan Grubi for appeals and proof of innocence.

Micevski criticized DUI and his interlocutor, Blerim Bejeti from the opposition party, for using national themes to avoid responsibility, as well as failures in the economy, education and investments. He said that in the last elections, the citizens punished the politics of DUI and SDSM, enabling the opposition to form a government, while "Vredi" was the "ethnic winner among the Albanian voters".

"The situation with Artan Grubi cannot be minimized now, and at the same time when Ramiz Merko was blacklisted, he was suspended from all positions on the same day. Now you claim that Grubi has the right to appeal and will prove his innocence. But to whom and where will he prove it? "The State Department has clearly stated that they have evidence of his political influence in the judiciary, which will not be tolerated," Micevski said.

Bejeti, for his part, said that this government "does not have ethnic legitimacy among Albanians" and that DUI is trying to prevent "majorization" in the country.

"We cannot agree with ethnic majorization, the framework agreement and budget agreement was adopted so that there would be no majorization. Even in 2001, there were institutions, the Constitutional Court, the Assembly and the Government and the prosecutor's office and everything, but that war came. All the problems started when the Constitutional Court abolished the provision in the section on flags. We all know that the balancer tool has been misused. Either the Framework Agreement will be respected or not. You need to understand that there is an anger, November 28 was the best indicator that it was not just a celebration, it was a protest. Smart politicians should sit down and think. The day started wrong with this parliamentary majority, this government has no ethnic legitimacy. If we respect the legitimacy of the Macedonians, disrespecting it leads to majoritarianism," Bexeti said.

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