Memo: Under these conditions and at this time, the retirement age cannot be increased

Photo: Dragan Mitreski / Free Press

The director of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund (PIOM), Nikola Memov, says that the Fiscal Council's recommendations for retirement are not acceptable under these conditions and at this time. That, as he pointed out, was clearly stated by the Government and they will not be an integral part of the Fiscal Strategy for the period from 2025 to 2029. Memov also mentioned that the basic source of financing of PIOM is source income.

-The recommendations of the Fiscal Council for Retirement are not acceptable in these conditions, at this time. The Government has also made it clear that they will not be an integral part of the Fiscal Strategy for the period from 2025 to 2029. In these conditions in the country, the Government believes that the moment is not yet ripe to move in this direction and that the momentum of keeping social transfers should be maintained, Memov said tonight in "Win-Win" on "Thelma".

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