Mejetti: I know, it's not easy to accept the fact that we broke the myth of DUI forever in power

Izet Majiti / Photo: Sloboden Pechat / Slobodan Djuric

First Vice Prime Minister Izet Majiti told "Alsat" that the latest interpellations submitted by DUI are an attempt to dictate the political discourse and maintain power.

"DUI is trying in every way to present itself as a relevant factor and to dictate the political course in the country. But the more they try, the clearer it is that their goal and interest is only power and government seats," said Majiti.

He says that the new Albanian political coalition represents Albanians in the Government, while DUI is now an opposition party after 22 years.

"I know, it's not easy to accept the fact that we broke the myth that DUI will be in power forever, but this is politics - when you think you've got the most, you've actually lost the most," Mejetti said.

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