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Man Lets Artificial Intelligence Send 1.000 Job Applications While He Sleeps, The Results Surprised Him

One user on the social platform Reddit revealed that artificial intelligence has made his job search significantly easier. The user, who deleted his name after posting on a job forum, revealed that he had managed to secure more than 50 job interviews.

The "bot" has taken over most of the work - from writing resumes and cover letters tailored to each job position, to automatically applying for open jobs. He sent as many as 1.000 job applications, he writes

"I created an AI bot that analyzes candidate data, studies job descriptions, generates unique resumes and cover letters for each job, answers specific questions asked by recruiters, and automatically applies to jobs," he explained.

"And all that while I was sleeping!" In just one month, this approach landed me about 50 job interviews. Resumes and cover letters tailored to each job description made a significant difference," he added.

Explaining his reasoning, he stated that AI is already changing the recruitment industry and noted that many companies themselves are using AI systems to weed out candidates.

He also stated that his bot helped him "efficiently navigate automated candidate selection systems." He made it clear that he was aware of the ethical issues surrounding this approach to job hunting.

"Watching this technological revolution, I can't help but think about the profound consequences for the world of work. Although efficient, the process of automating job applications raises questions about the very nature of professional relationships," he said.

"We face a paradox because while we strive to optimize the selection process, we risk losing the human element that often makes the difference in the work environment. We are facing a challenge that is not only technological but also ethical and social. We will have to find a delicate balance between the effectiveness of AI and the richness of human interactions. Only then can we build a future of work that is not only productive, but also more meaningful for everyone," he concluded.

The move caused divided opinions on social media. While some felt that the user clearly showed a tendency to circumvent the rules, others praised him for his ingenuity and argued that all is fair if companies already use artificial intelligence to eliminate candidates.

I used AI to automatically apply for 1000 jobs – and I got 50 interviews!
by inGetEmployed


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