People and houses are burning because the politicians are out of control

Sonja Hristovska Ugrinovska

A man died in the village of Kokošinje, Kumanovo, he suffocated from the smoke, but he is not your father, he is not the grandfather of your children, unscrupulous, but of some humble children whose parents are struggling to make it through the month while you are gasping for two thousand euros each salary, plus allowances

40 houses were burned in the Svetinikola villages and three in Dojran, but these are not your houses, gentlemen in charge, but the houses of ordinary people! It is not a consolation that most of the houses were abandoned, but a shameful attempt to relativize the incompetence of the "head" of the system, which stinks, rots and suffocates us much stronger than the chimneys of forest fires.

Homes where people live burned down, but they are not your haciendas and luxury vacation homes, to which you build roads and other necessary infrastructure, but homes that were built with the tears and sweat of honest families, lazy gentlemen, from whom you shamelessly seek votes for choices, and then you forget them, if only they were your servants and not the other way around!

A man died in the village of Kokošinje, Kumanovo, he suffocated from the smoke, but he is not your father, he is not the grandfather of your children, unscrupulous, but of some humble children whose parents are struggling to make it through the month while you are gasping for two thousand euros each salary, plus allowances.

Thousands of turtles, hedgehogs, squirrels and other forest inhabitants were burned alive, but these are not your expensive furry pets, but our biodiversity, which you are heartlessly destroying, not only with fire. Have you heard the screams that helpless animals make while burning? Come on, listen, see what you've done!

Hundreds of hectares of forest of different types burned, but these are not your forests, mind you, but ours, our children's, our unborn grandchildren. When forests burn, our future burns, and you consciously allow it!

What, that's not true? You don't want the beautiful forest-mountainous Macedonia to be covered in ashes? How do you prove you love us? With the cheap daily political tricks that SDSM is guilty, VMRO-DPMNE is even more guilty, with the ping-pong announcements with which you outwit each other like some litigants on a simple level, who is guilty? SDSM brags with all its heart that when Eastern Macedonia burned during their mandate in 2021, not a single house burned down? Are they now satisfied that 43 were burned down, so they will have "ammunition" to shoot that the current "glamorous" vmrovci burned down 43 houses? Grab your shovels, everyone, and go waggle them at the burning bush, as you'd expect fire brigades in the 21st century with shovels and a bag of water on their backs to rescue you from the responsibility of wrongdoing!

Stojanche Angelov appointed all of you arrogantly competent to load you on excavators and take you right to the front line of the fires, so that you hit the fire bravely, as you hit your chest for Macedonia, to see what it's like to be on fire without equipment. Afterwards, you will probably think about what you really should have done by now. Because a hundred steps on someone else's back do not hurt, and Macedonia is foreign to you. As soon as your grandfathers, forests and houses do not burn, let your palms burn a little, which you have used so far just to steal from this meek and peaceful people, who just keep silent and tolerate you, whatever you present to them as humiliation!

Four years ago, when there was a fire in Kočansko and the city almost caught fire, we were saved by fire fighting volunteer companies from Austria, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Serbia... Those volunteers brought with them long and thick hoses that were assembled in a line of up to five kilometers and pumps with which they drew water from streams and rivers. They also brought mobile pools and mobile units and in two days they extinguished the huge fire that previously our professional firefighters could not extinguish for days because they did not have the proper equipment. The grievous shame that volunteer fire companies are better equipped than professional state firefighters only ate away at the common people. The authorities were not embarrassed. Not even this year were they embarrassed when Serbian and Turkish helicopters, Croatian Canadians and the Romanian "Spartan" extinguished the fires from two weeks ago and when the retired pilots had to fly air tractors!

If they were embarrassed, but also if we, the citizens, showed more awareness and loudly demanded to ensure dignified fire protection against open space fires, everything would have been different by now. They would acquire new and modern equipment for both prevention and extinguishing from the ground and from the air. Sensors, cameras and drones for early detection, observation towers, a laboratory for easier handling, new trucks and tanks, all-terrain vehicles and excavators, modern protective equipment for firefighters, new aircraft, as well as hoses and pumps like the Austrians and Slovenians brought four years ago years. Is this as complex as building a new CERN in Macedonia? Of course it is not, but for our incompetents in power 30 years ago, buying pumps and hoses is more complicated than sending a probe to the moon.

Everything is known, everything is clear, you just need to apply the will. We live in a mountainous country that is not resistant to fires, we have irresponsible citizens who burn as soon as they can, untrained farmers, who also burn in the fields, open non-standard landfills that burn themselves most regularly because "that's their job", we carry the electricity on poles , and in the wind they also spark and burn... And, in such a situation, why is equipment not procured? Why is our Fire Law full of holes like fire hoses? Why aren't there enough firefighters? Why should the municipalities from their modest budgets give salaries to professional firefighters instead of buying equipment that is suitable for the local terrain and needs, and let the state pay their salaries? Why doesn't anyone help volunteer firefighting companies with equipment?

A thousand reasons, two reasons - because the politicians are only interested in the chair and how to seize power and because the people have a short memory and do not have the courage to remove them from power!

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