Renewable power generation on the rise - EPA photo, Neil Hall

London pays £1 billion to stop windmills

The difficulties in managing the electricity grid have forced the UK government to spend £1 billion (€1,21 billion) to reduce wind power generation by 2024. The grid simply cannot accommodate the increased production of renewable energy. And wind generators have to be paid to shut down, which ultimately weighs on consumers’ bills. The UK has increased its offshore wind capacity by 50% in the past five years and is expected to double in the next five, according to data compiled by BloombergNEF. "".

But the grid is not developing at that pace, and its operator is increasingly paying wind farms, particularly in Scotland, compensation for not producing electricity. During major storms, such as the recent Storm Ben, the UK shuts down some of its newest and largest wind farms, including Scotland’s £3 billion Seagreen project.

Plans to build new wind farms off the Scottish coast could make matters worse. In the UK, producers are contracting for their future production without considering the challenges of supply and demand.

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