Left wants an interpellation for Gashi because of the incident with Vjosa Osmani

Afrim Gashi / Constitutive session in the Assembly / Photo: Free Press - Dragan Mitreski

Today, the parliamentary group of the Left submitted an interpellation in the Parliament about the work of the President of the Assembly, Afrim Gashi, because he "introduces unprincipled policies in the Assembly".

It is based on seven points, explained on ten pages. The President of the Left, Dimitar Apasiev, said at a press conference that he expects the President of the Assembly, Gashi, to put it on the agenda at the session after the summer vacation, that is, at the beginning of September, at the first following session after the expiration of 10 working days.

The first two points of the interpellation refer to the violation of the secularity of the state with the group prayer in the Assembly by Gashi and the violation of diplomatic rules for securing VIPs with the incident at the Skopje airport five days ago in which the head of Gashi's security took part.

Regarding the group prayer, Apasiev said that it was "something unprecedented in the history of the Macedonian Assembly", Article 19 and Amendment 7 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia were violated, the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the special law on the legal position of a church, religious organization were violated. community and religious group.

- The second basis on which we submit the interpellation is a violation of the diplomatic rules for securing VIPs, and this is the current case when the head of the security of the speaker of the Macedonian Parliament participated in a practically diplomatic scandal at the International Airport in Skopje and the speaker Gashi publicly admitted that he personally gave the order for his intervention in an unauthorized area, Apasiev said.

Grounds for the request to remove Gashi from his post, according to Levica, are also a violation of the use of the Macedonian language because Gashi, as Apasiev said, "knowingly suppresses the Macedonian language and its Cyrillic script and introduces illegal bilingualism even for MPs who are Macedonians", then a violation of the rules for the use of the state insignia by the fact that in the plenary hall, contrary to the law, "two other flags are illegally standing, i.e. the flag of NATO and the flag of the EU where we are not yet members".

He said that the principle of incompatibility of functions was also violated, that is, Gashi is being called to political responsibility because he did not state the termination of the mandate of the newly elected MP Talat Xhaferi "who illegally held the positions of Prime Minister and MP".

- The sixth basis is a violation of the legal and ethical provisions on anti-nepotism. We believe that by the fact that Gashi's wife traveled with him to Washington, the Anti-Corruption Law was violated and a serious disciplinary violation of the code of ethics for MPs was made... and the last basis is a violation of a series of procedural provisions for the normal work of MPs due to not imperative deadlines for scheduling sessions are respected, due to the fact that the bad practice of smuggling laws after abbreviated procedures continues and due to the fact that a series of operational guarantees for the normal functioning of the deputies have not been provided, Apasiev said.

The leader of the Left said that he expects the MPs to vote their interpellation on Gashi's work by calling him to political responsibility.

- Once again we say our public call to DPMNE that we are available for the election of a new person from their parliamentary group, blank support, only to replace Speaker Gashi who introduces unprincipled policies in the Parliament, Apasiev said.

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