The left wants to establish an inspectorate for state symbols

Dafina Stojanovska / Constitutive session in the assembly / Photo: Free Press - Dragan Mitreski
/ Photo: Free Press - Dragan Mitreski

Deputies from the Left political party will submit a draft law to the Parliament for the introduction of the State Inspectorate for Insignia. As the party says, this inspectorate will be in charge of control and supervision over the correct use of the coat of arms, flag and anthem by state bodies, municipalities and private entities.

"It is scandalous that all the political elites have not yet established such an Inspectorate, in conditions where the Macedonian flag is not respected at every step, as the only symbol that should unite the Macedonian nation. The Left again strongly condemns the recent burning, disrespect and desecration of the Macedonian national flag during the celebration of the Albanian flag day, which passed without sanctions and a clear reaction from the competent institutions. This act is another proof of the need for a systemic approach and clear inspection of the use of state symbols. According to Article 8 of the Law on the Use of the Coat of Arms, the Flag and the Anthem, as well as Article 178 of the Criminal Code, intentionally tearing, burning, trampling or desecrating the Macedonian flag in any way is a crime. "However, the absence of an appropriate supervision mechanism allows such acts to go unpunished," said Levica.

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