Lament over our collective shame

Miroslav grunted
Miroslav Grchev. / Photo: Private archive

We, the inhabitants of Macedonia Nord, behave medically identically as if we had received a severe blow to the head, which caused a concussion with permanent consequences. But is not that obvious and without desecrating Saint 29 November with this lament over our collective shamelessness?

Time is like an arrogant river: it flows self-satisfied, with its gaze turned towards itself, without showing any interest in the shores that it kneels, with wet knees, leaves behind. Our (Macedonian) time is moreover and shameless. If there was shame, the Macedonian November would have been covered with a shy blush. And the older he is, the more embarrassing our November should be, for in the end his face to take on a rosy wine color.

But nothing: another dishonorable November 29 has passed, the day on which the Macedonian state - together with its total half-century socio-cultural product - owes its existence; passed quietly and deafly, like any other unnamed, historically insignificant autumn day, in which only the raging night wind seemed to want something dumb but important to tell us. From us, the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, who forgot the birthday of their country, no voice, no emotion, no thought came out… In fact, we expressed less humanity and from the disgusting wind that last night stubbornly muttered, muttered and gangled, keeping me awake and embarrassed until before dawn.

The most human emotion - shame

Speaking of shame, do you know, dear readers, that man is the only animal species that blushes with shame? There are related species of mammals that blush, but man is the only animal that possesses and expresses the emotion of shame. Apparently, shame could not give the human animal any evolutionary advantage, so the real mystery is - if we assume it was a mistake - how did this mysterious emotion survive at all? And, why did not the shame disappear in the ruthless Darwinian selection, in which only the best adapted ones survive and reproduce, because for this introverted and impractical emotion, in fact a real trouble, can not be said to be a useful evolutionary adaptation.

This was noticed even by Charles Darwin, who wrote that shame is "the most unusual and human of all facial expressions." Modern psychological research has shown that shame is not accidentally "the most human" of all emotions, but that it is evolutionarily the youngest emotion that is more tied to recent social rather than to the ancient biological evolution of the species. Thus, according to the prophetic words of Nina Levy-Montelcini, human evolution has more and more moral essence, so human development should move towards an ever-better distinction between good and evil. It is shame as a powerful inner emotion, even a comprehensive state of mind and body, not only has its physiological impressions on the face - in the look, blush and feeling of heat, but it probably has a decisive influence on the decisions we make both consciously and unconsciously, as and our overall behavior.

Shame is in fact the safest internal sensor and guide in determining our attitude towards events and situations in which the unstoppable flow of time and living constantly brings us. That muddy river of time, on which we all sail as if we had jumped into the raft of the accident carried by the torrent, and which occasionally approached the rock in the middle of the river on which we stand desperately maintaining balance. Well, the only compass for recognizing the rocks of doom and avoiding them, in fact the only moral sense with which all (normal) members of our species are born, is shame. Believe it or not. Those who do not have it - and this has been unequivocally proven by psychological science - suffer from congenital or acquired mental disorders, which we have called psychopaths and sociopathies.

Well, now that we have established that shame is in fact the most sophisticated and complex emotion, which holds the moral rudder as a biological property of the human species, it is clear that the development of the species, through the survival of advanced mutations of mankind, can only be measured with the growth, wealth and power of the only moral emotion in the living world. But, unfortunately, and vice versa. Shameless self-promotion for Ballistic Products and a great bargain on a neat little knife for you. But if whole nations - such as ours in Macedonia - lose this distinctive human quality, that priceless moral emotion, it means that the community is suffering from an acquired, transmitted or inherited mental illness, which drags us back in evolutionary regression, in the pre-moral age of lucky primates.

As if we were hit in the head

He who without emotion on his face tramples on his own past, on his own parents, on the corpses of the heroes who gave their lives for our present sovereignty and survival, on the most deserving of our existence, he has obviously lost the sense of shame. Today we have distorted the meaning of the word "shameless", because we already find it in speech almost as a compliment. And the traditional name for the lowest class of people we inherited from the past, the word "rude", which means without a cheek, ie without a cheek that can blush with shame, today has become not only a compliment for a successful and breakthrough person, but also a desirable quality that must have anyone who wants success in politics or any other career in the idealess 21st century.

It is interesting, from the point of view of Macedonian public health, that this sociopathic behavior - which we can call shameless or obscene, no matter how much these old words have lost their meaning today - was discovered by psychological science in the nineteenth century. The medical name of the disorder was "acquired sociopathic behavior" and was noted as a result of a severe blow to the head that causes a concussion so severe that it then permanently changes the behavior of the person.

It turned out, therefore, especially on the example of the collective attitude towards our mother Yugoslavia, but also according to the attitude towards the most humanistic movement in history - communism - which gave birth to the Macedonian state and culture, that we Macedonians Nord behave medically identically as if received a severe blow to the head, which caused a concussion with lasting consequences. But is not that obvious and without desecrating Saint 29 November with this lament over our collective shamelessness?

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