Culinary tricks: How to prepare perfect zucchini

Photo: Profimedia

The first zucchini have already arrived at the market stalls. This healthy and nutritious vegetable can be consumed in May, and is the main dish on the menu until autumn. If you always prepare zucchini in the same way, if you often fail, if you are wondering how to improve your recipes, read what are the secrets for preparing delicious zucchini.

One of the basic rules when preparing zucchini is to dry them well before cooking, because they contain enough water and the excess is absolutely unnecessary. This rule especially applies if you fry or bake them in the oven.

The napkin is a great help in preparing zucchini. Not only will it help you remove excess water, it will also absorb excess fat. After frying, be sure to place your favorite vegetables on a napkin and turn it on both sides. Of course, for the other side, use a new napkin and the zucchini will not be so greasy.

The important thing to know is that zucchini are salted only when they are ready. If you salt them before preparation, they will release water. You can salt them before preparation, but then you have to drain them well for the meal to succeed.

Zucchini can be prepared in a million different ways, if not fried or baked. But then it would be good to marinate them to make them even tastier. Keep them in the marinade for at least one to two hours, and you need vinegar, olive oil, minced garlic and spices if desired. These are the basic ingredients and you can certainly customize them to your liking.

Fresh, young and small zucchini should not be peeled. Simply wash and cut or grate them with the whole peel.

There is one ingredient that will make zucchini perfectly delicious, and that is beer. If you make fried, grilled, on the grill, be sure to add a glass of beer, it will be more aromatic.

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