Photo: Facebook Kovachevski

Kovachevski: There will be no amnesty for SJO cases and for April 27

Neither with the amendments to the Criminal Code, nor with the new law on amnesty, will those convicted in the SJO cases go free, nor will their crimes expire soon, answered the Prime Minister

There will be no amnesty for the cases from the former Special Public Prosecutor's Office (SPO), for "April 27" and for current officials for a two-thirds majority agreement with the new law on amnesty, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski has decided. Kovacevski reiterated that neither the amendments to the Criminal Code were agreed upon for those convicted of the SJO cases to go free, nor for their crimes to expire as soon as possible.
It follows from this that no agreements were made between DUI and SDSM with Gruevski in order to pass the constitutional amendments. It was the government partner, Alliance for Albanians, who previously warned that there would be no government if those convicted of "April 27" were granted amnesty, after which Gruevski and Mickoski entered into an open war with mutual accusations that there had been meetings and agreements for amnesty of those convicted of "April 27".

Kovacevski once again directed the journalists to investigative journalism

– The answer is no. The law on amnesty prepared by the Ministry of Justice has already been passed once at a government session and in order to harmonize it with the legislation sector, space has been left for another seven days to be administratively harmonized and it will be submitted to the Parliament. It depends on the MPs whether, in what form and when it will be adopted. The Minister of Justice explained in detail that the law applies to a certain category of prisoners and convicts who are serving prison sentences and it is precisely stated what it does not apply to - Kovacevski said.

To a journalist's question that European Ambassador David Geer said about the amendments to the Criminal Code that there is a doubt that impunity is being encouraged, Kovacevski also denied this.

– It is not true absolutely, because these laws are aligned with EU practices. We are a country that aspires to the EU. When you see the Criminal Code with the latest amendments, you will see that it is an identical law to the legislation in Germany, France, and Slovenia both in terms of provisions and in terms of the amount of penalties. There is no truth in the speculations that have been spreading. This has been confirmed, because even after a month since the adoption of the amendments, you see that nothing dramatic has happened, nor has anyone been amnestied for anything, but processes continue based on 422 articles under which anyone can be prosecuted - says Kovacevski.

In order to prove that the CC amendments are in line with the EU legislation, Kovacevski once again referred the journalists to investigative journalism.

- Here, I will ask you a question: call Brussels when they were caught in the EU Parliament for rigging the organization of the World Cup in football and check which member of the Central Committee they are being prosecuted for. Are they in custody, on what basis or maybe not, as court cases unfold. We want to be a member of the EU, let us see the practices there. Are there politicians or company directors who have been accused of non-compliance with procedures? Are they in custody for nine years or while the process is going on they go to athletic rallies and run along the Champs Elysees - says Kovacevski.

Regarding the quarrel between Gruevski and Mickoski, the prime minister said that he does not want to comment on dynamics in other parties. For him, it is crucial that we all unite in building a European state, to make decisions that will mean prosperity for the state, to open the way to full membership in the EU.

- I believe that in the opposition there are people who want to see the country in the EU. If anyone saw the mistake of isolating the state, it is VMRO-DPMNE - Kovacevski said.

Gruevski and Mickoski continue their argument

Accusations that the government negotiated an amnesty in secret meetings to ensure a two-thirds majority caused a rift between Gruevski and Mickoski. Mickoski accused Gruevski of carrying USB with documents into the offices of DUI officials for unprincipled agreements. Gruevski, on the other hand, accused Mickoski of secret cooperation and joint plans with the former prime minister and SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev.

- Well, wasn't he our common political opponent, he was the main "executioner of all" political exiles from VMRO-DPMNE, it was a government that changed the name, the Constitution, the nationality, the identity, the history... with the Agreement with Greece, they arrested our MPs to blackmail them for voting. Zaev claimed on TV that "we are all Sichki", "we are one people", etc. Until a year or two ago, VMRO-DPMNE claimed that Zaev was the most corrupt politician, a traitor. I see that now they are afraid to mention his name. Should we be political allies with him now? Is it a matter of blackmail - asked Gruevski on Facebook.

Earlier, Mickoski from Veles said that he was not happy because of the quarrels with his predecessor.

– I must say that as a person, this public correspondence with the former president of VMRO-DPMNE does not make me happy, nor is this a battle that I chose, but undoubtedly no one should test my determination to persist in our views that acceptance dictations are out of the question at any cost. Nor that it can pass through a small door or any combination - Mickoski said.

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