Who are the biggest tax debtors in Serbia?

Serbian Dinars / Photo: Free Press Archive

Two companies in Serbia owe taxpayers one billion dinars each, according to data on the largest debtors of the Tax Administration of Serbia, reports H1. These are "Bona Futura" by Malisha Bojović and "Mera Invest" by Marko Miskovic. "Bona Futura", a company owned by Malisha Bojović, is the largest tax debtor in Serbia when it comes to active companies.

The tax authorities registered a debt of 1,27 billion dinars. The company is registered for non-specialized wholesale trade, and its accounts have been blocked continuously for 549 days. Second on the list of the largest debtors, among the active companies, is "Mera invest" owned by Marko Mishkovic. This company has been blocked for more than 1.800 days and, according to the data of the Tax Administration, it has a tax debt that is also greater than a billion, to be precise – 1.099.308.790 dinars. The firm is registered for "other financial services not mentioned, except insurance and pension funds".

The remaining debtors, a total of 306 of them, owe the taxpayers less than one billion dinars. The list also includes agricultural cooperatives, textile companies, companies registered for taxi transportation, meat producers and others. There are a total of 1.203 of them on the list of entrepreneurs - tax debtors, of which the taxpayers are trying to collect from five million dinars, and even up to 558,7 million dinars, owed by the IT consulting agency "KDS Soft" from Belgrade. Bankrupt banks are already "traditionally" on the list of the biggest tax debtors from bankruptcy.

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