When will the betrayal stories end?

I do not consider the kneeling, as it was called here, Zoran Zaev's last visit to Sofia, and earlier to Athens and Brussels and Berlin and Paris, Washington and Moscow and at the end of the world, to be a humiliation, but as quite expected act of any Macedonian politician representing Macedonia.

The kneeling of the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in the middle of Sofia in front of the Bulgarian politicians was so shameful that they themselves were ashamed and rejected the trivial offer to sell the national and all other identity features of the Macedonian people, from language to history and our glorious past. They were eaten by someone else's shame.

Fortunately, the "irrelevant" Bulgarian political leadership, in its own estimation, was so shocked by Zaev's treacherous offer that they could not accept anything. Even some of their followers, such as the MEP, a big jumbo, got so angry that they publicly announced that there is nothing to talk about, Macedonia is Bulgarian and that's it, everything else is garlic and water. That is how the Macedonian identity was saved, albeit only temporarily, from Zaev's last visit to Sofia.

Zaev's blank offer for Bulgarianization of Macedonia is still valid, we are just waiting for the parliamentary elections in Bulgaria to end. But don't worry, the Macedonian people will not allow that. After the local and immediately after the early parliamentary elections, the great punishment will follow, the patriots will come to power, and the traitors will end up in prison, which will finally solve all the problems at home and with the neighbors and the EU made by the illegitimate quisling government. in less than four years with its disastrous policies.

This is the conclusion from the strong and dubious analyzes, made on the unseen, of the concerned duty defenders of national and state interests, who raised Macedonia to its feet even before Zaev arrived in Sofia.


The miners from Macedonia and Bulgaria


And indeed, instead of running along the minefield set by the miners from Macedonia and Bulgaria, he should have stayed at home and hit hard on the Bulgarian nationalists and chauvinists, on the selfish policy of the EU, on the Americans who are blurring all the waters for their own interests. , after the hypocrites Angela Merkel and Emanuel Macron and all the others who want to depersonalize Macedonia, Zaev ran back and forth, constantly in the wrong direction, trampling on the dignity of the Macedonian, putting his face on the pathos.

Instead of heading for the Near and Far East, he is pushing hard for the West, repeating over and over again: there is no other alternative, there is no other alternative. He has not learned anything from his predecessor Nikola Gruevski how all elections are won, both regular and extraordinary, for 11 years.

The great analysts lament: well, everything that Zaev is doing now with his betrayals could have been done by Gruevski, as well as those who were before him, but they were neither naive nor traitors. They strongly defended the national interests, not allowing even for a millimeter to make any concessions, or shameful compromise, neither with the neighbors, nor in their own country.

Standing still was then considered a great success and a resolute defense of identity and state interests. This is the only way to win elections in Macedonia in the long run, even a whole era was ruled smoothly with a good set of words, captured institutions and propaganda of patriotism against the betrayals of domestic and foreign enemies, but also with the inflated great economic successes that will spread the world and domestic media after high-paid advertising.


The annulment of contracts is the fastest way to disintegration


Gruevski's deputy, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, learned that very well. As soon as they take power, as they say from the party leadership, they will immediately annul all the treacherous agreements, release the innocent convicts from the regime, and replace them with traitors and state enemies. As long as there are people who believe in such stories, the danger of Macedonia's disappearance has not been overcome.

In fact, it is the fastest way to disintegrate the country. The annulment of the agreements reached and ratified with the neighbors leads to Macedonia turning from a factor of stability in the Balkans into the famous historical apple of discord.

The disintegration of the states in the East, after the fall of communism, is nothing new in recent history. Today's generations of citizens of Macedonia have already seen that horror which, probably because we had no human casualties and military devastation, we quickly forgot the tragic images of the break-up of Yugoslavia.

If we touch a little on the events of that time, patriotism, betrayal, and defense of national interests and dignity, today's fatal resemblance to what happened only three decades ago will be quickly revealed. Despite NATO membership, Macedonia is still at a crossroads due to internal power struggles, which could end fatally due to the big riots and false alarms about national betrayals. NATO can protect us from external aggression, but no one can defend us from ourselves when every day the false story is sold that a market is being made with the national identity and the Macedonian language.


Bulgaria's blockade will remain in the collective memory


Macedonia's disputes and blockades with the short-sighted ultimate policy of Bulgaria at the expense of good neighborliness and mutual mutual interests of the first neighbors, on the contrary, only strengthened the national peculiarities of the Macedonian people. Never before has there been a greater interest in our country for history and the Macedonian language than for the latest negations and disputes and the imposition of Bulgarian roots.

Any negation and challenge from a position of strength, in this case, relying on and abusing the EU's statutory commitments, as Bulgaria does, provokes a completely opposite reaction that leads to decades of hatred and intolerance. Bulgaria's blockade on the start of negotiations with the EU will remain in the collective memory of several generations of Macedonians and all citizens of Macedonia in general, regardless of their ethnicity as a black mark, which will remain unearthed for many years, even if found a common language tomorrow and the EU membership negotiations to start without major obstacles. Bulgaria missed that chance to be Macedonia's biggest supporter, even though it portrayed itself as such, probably believing that this was how the San Stefano dream would come true. Unfortunately, this in Macedonia has caused, as in all complex situations, new divisions and an excellent terrain for election campaigns. Any attempt to find a mutually acceptable solution is immediately declared a betrayal and there is an express satanization of anyone who utters any compromise solution.

Why is it difficult to say publicly even though the Bulgarians do not accept that the Macedonian language has the same roots as the Bulgarian, but also with the Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Slovenian, Bosniak and all peoples whose language originates from the speech of the southern Slavs. According to all scientific knowledge, these are definitely Slavic, not Bulgarian roots. Yes, many Macedonian revolutionaries and revivalists wrote and spoke in Bulgarian, some of them declared themselves as Bulgarians in the then historical circumstances, but it is an indisputable fact that they were Macedonian revolutionaries and fought and died for an independent Macedonia. Such multiple identities, both national and linguistic, have hundreds of significant historical figures who have indebted the world.

No one can determine the exact date of the creation of a nation. These are always long-term historical processes, as is the process of Europeanization of Macedonia and the entire Balkans.

That is why I do not consider the kneeling, as it was called here, the last visit of Zoran Zaev to Sofia, and earlier to Athens and Brussels and Berlin and Paris, Washington and Moscow and at the end of the world, to be a humiliation, but as a complete an expected act of any Macedonian politician representing Macedonia. Nothing should be difficult when it is done for your homeland.

(The language in which they are written as well as the views expressed in the column "Columns" are not views and reflections of the editorial policy of "Free Press")

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