Kirkov: Arsovska did not submit a budget proposal for 2025 within the legal deadline, Skopje is threatened with a blockade

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Mayor Danela Arsovska did not submit a budget proposal for 2025 within the legally stipulated deadline, which expired yesterday, threatening the City of Skopje with a complete blockade. This was announced at today's press conference by Stefan Kirkov, Councilor of the City of Skopje from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, pointing out that what the advisory group had warned about months ago, fearing that the scenario of a complete blockade could become a reality, had happened.

In the history of the City of Skopje, nothing has happened to question the functioning of the city as a whole. Without a budget for next year, the City of Skopje will be under a complete blockade, the already dysfunctional public enterprises and institutions in the City of Skopje will not function. Or the already non-functional "Communal hygiene", JSP will be blocked, enterprises such as "Vodovod", "Parks and Greenery", "Streets and Roads", "City Parking", "Drisla" landfill, "Laika" will not function. There is also the City Library "Brača Miladinovci", MCC, Cultural Information Center, Museum of the City of Skopje, Zoo, Children's Cultural Center and others. In a word, the city of Skopje will experience complete darkness - emphasized Kirkov.

He added that yesterday was the last day for submitting a budget proposal to the Council and the City of Skopje and called on all state institutions and the Government to immediately approach solving this problem.

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