The quarantine in "Lajka" has passed, 20 homeless dogs were sterilized in 85 days

After the appearance of the first case of the distemer virus in a dog in the shelter of JP "Laika" at the end of last year, a 30-day quarantine was introduced and the employees were focused on the treatment of the infected animals. As informed by PE "Lajka", the situation is currently under control and after the end of the quarantine period, the regular work activities have been continued, including the implementation of veterinary interventions, i.e. sterilization and castration. In the period from January 11 to 31, in just 20 days, as reported by the shelter, a record 85 sterilizations and castrations were performed.

 The citizens who responded in huge numbers to our call to personally bring a homeless dog to the shelter for humane treatment have a share in the successful handling of this problem, and for that we are immensely grateful. The open call for any citizen to bring a homeless dog for treatment is still ongoing and will be even if there is such a huge interest.. We invite all citizens to bring their neighborhood pet for treatment, with the aim of many more successful months in solving the problem with the homeless population of dogs - say from PE "Laika".

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