What is your favorite coffee? Here's what choosing this "magic" potion says for you!

What does your favorite coffee selection mean?

Coffee is one of those drinks for "vezden". Waking up in the morning, in the afternoon to improve energy. Coffee always has good conversations, friendship, laughter, we share secrets, stories and enjoy its taste.

Choosing a favorite coffee can tell you some interesting facts about the person - depending on which coffee you prefer, you can find out how others feel about you.


If you like espresso the most, it means that you really enjoy the taste of coffee, because espresso has the most intense taste. You are a strong, traditional person. Dedicated to work, responsible and focused. You also know how to relax, but most often in the family circle.


People who want non-coffee are usually the last to make a decision. They do not want to bother too much with other people and often push their problems under the rug. Enjoy a relaxed, fun life without much responsibility. They want comfort and enjoy the whipped cream on top of the non-coffee. These people would live by the sea all their lives.

coffee / Unsplash


The greatest magic of cappuccino is its foam - delicious, creamy, juicy. Cappuccino is drunk by real hedonists who do not like congestion and chaos. They enjoy rare peaceful encounters with loved ones, and engage in creative work that provides them with peace and freedom. They have a sophisticated heart and a developed style. They are loved in company and honest.

Turkish coffee

Fans of this perhaps the most popular coffee in the region are minimalists. They are practical, simple and "make" your life with the simplest emotions. Immediate, focused on facts and reality, these coffee makers are one of the best friends in your area, but they choose with whom they will share their favorite gossip party with coffee.


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