What is the condition of the roads?

photo: Free Press / D. Mitreski

AMSM recommends adjusted speed, observance of the set traffic signals and careful management of vehicles, especially on the roads through the valleys, river valleys and gorges, where there is a possibility of landslides. This especially refers to the sections Katlanovo - Veles, Mavrovo - Debar - Struga, Vinica - Berovo and Kocani - Delchevo.

SITUATION: Traffic on the state roads runs smoothly, on dry roads.

FREQUENCY: The intensity of traffic on road routes outside the city centers has increased. Characteristically for the summer period, there is an increased frequency of vehicles at the Tabanovce highway for entry and the Bogorodica highway for exiting the country. At the other border crossings, on the Macedonian side, there are no longer detentions for entry and exit from the country.

ATTENTION: AMSM recommends an adjusted speed of movement, respect for posted traffic signals and careful management of vehicles, especially on roads through valleys, river valleys and gorges, where there is a possibility of landslides. This especially applies to the sections Katlanovo - Veles, Mavrovo - Debar - Struga, Vinica - Berovo and Kočani - Delčevo.

BAN ON HEAVY CARGO VEHICLES: From July 1 to August 31, a summer time traffic regime is introduced on the state roads in Macedonia, which prohibits the movement of heavy goods vehicles with a total mass of over 15 tons, during the weekend days and during holidays extremely high temperatures.

The terms are as follows:

- Friday from 17:00 - 22:00,

- Saturday from 09:00 to 18:00 and

– Sunday from 09:00 to 22:00.

On the main road A2 section: Skopje - Ohrid - Skopje, the movement of heavy goods vehicles whose total weight exceeds 7,5 tons is prohibited during the weekends, in the following intervals:

- Friday from 15:00 - 22:00,

- Saturday from 07:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 24:00 and

– Sunday from 07:00 to 22:00.

SEASONAL TRAFFIC REGIME: The Ohrid - Resen road through the Galichica National Park has been open for traffic for all types of vehicles with a total weight of up to 01.04.2024 tons since April 3.5, XNUMX.

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