How do men of each zodiac sign behave when they engage in infidelity?
The stars say that a man's zodiac sign can reveal a lot about his behavior when he is in the grip of an affair. it says "sensa".
Here's how to recognize the signs of infidelity in each of them.
Aries are known as seducers, so the chances of infidelity are high. Symptoms: he wears messy clothes, loses interest in family responsibilities, and constantly calls on the phone under the pretext of helping a friend. If you confront him, he will excuse himself with depression or health problems.
Tip: Don't get into heated arguments. Let the conversation be calm and honest.
Tauruses become unusually emotional, flatter you, and then ignore family obligations.
Tip: Avoid public confrontations and speak with understanding.
When a Gemini man cheats, he becomes uncharacteristically punctual, deceitful, and irritable with his family.
Tip: Don't panic – their adventures are short-lived.
Cancers become irritable, impatient, and avoid family responsibilities. Sometimes they become unexpectedly romantic.
Tip: Show him love and understanding to restore the relationship.
Leos crave attention and admiration. Signs of infidelity: a new obsession with appearance, excessive spending on gifts, and unusual behavior.
Tip: Emphasize his authority and restore harmony.
The Maiden
When a Virgo man cheats, he becomes nervous, sarcastic, and overly concerned with his appearance.
Tip: Research the competition and strengthen your strengths.
Libras often cheat. Signs: rushing, tiredness, excessive care for children and household.
Tip: Don't provoke arguments.
Scorpios seek passion. Signs of infidelity: sparkles in the eyes and praise for another woman.
Tip: Try to win him over through emotions and sensuality.
Infidelity in Sagittarius is short-lived. Signs: loss of interest in family, lies, and distraction.
Tip: Be patient – their adventures fade quickly.
Although spiritually faithful, Capricorns sometimes engage in affairs. Signs: nervousness, distance, and neglect of responsibilities.
Tip: Be patient and dedicated.
Unpredictable Aquarians cheat out of intellectual curiosity. Signs: lies, disappearances, and changes in the circle of friends.
Tip: Don't try to change them – it's impossible.
Pisces react emotionally to new relationships. Signs: sardonic comments, concern for appearance, and increased dependence on alcohol.
Tip: Try to restore emotional closeness.