What was the first phone conversation like?

Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell / Photo: Printscreen/YouTube

Until the rise of the Internet, the phone was a rapidly transforming technology. The first successful telephone call took place on March 10, 1876, and he made it Alexander Graham Bell.

"Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you," were the first words spoken on the telephone, and they were part of a conversation between Bell and his assistant, who was in the next room.

Bell, like his father before him, spent most of his career studying the human voice and speech. So at some point he became interested in a long-distance telephone system, which at the time was described as a "vocal telegraph", and based on that he created the first telephone with the engineer Thomas Watson.

In June 1875, two scientists were forced to transmit voice vibrations from one receiver to another, but the words were unrecognizable, although it was clear that it was a human voice. By March 1876, the system had made sufficient progress that Bell believed it was ready to transmit an intelligible human voice, which it did on March 10.

Six months after the first successful call, Bell also tested the first long-distance conversation between receivers that were a little more than three kilometers apart.

At that moment, telephone technology was still far from a modern communication system, but the first stable foundations were laid, which, looking at today's instance, allows us much more than just hearing someone's voice.


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