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Israel must prepare for war against Turkey?

The Nagel Committee, set up by the Israeli government, warned that Turkey has ambitions to restore its Ottoman-era influence, which could lead to increased tensions with Israel. This is likely to later escalate into open conflict, reports the Israeli daily. Politics. 

Because of all this, Israel must prepare for a direct confrontation with Turkey, according to the latest report by the Nagel Committee on Defense Budget and Security Strategy.

"The presence of Turkish emissaries or Turkish forces in Syria could deepen the direct danger of Turkish-Israeli hostilities. The problem would intensify if Syrian forces, in a practical way, became Turkish emissaries, as part of the realization of the Turkish dream of restoring the Ottoman crown to its former glory," the report said.

Turkey is a major regional player with a significant military presence beyond its borders. This is most clearly seen in Syria and Libya, where its actions have influenced the situation on the ground, according to OI News.

On the other hand, it is stated that Turkey is not one step away from possessing nuclear weapons.

Due to some moves by official Ankara, such as the purchase of Russian weapons, there are voices among NATO allies that Turkey should be punished and even expelled from the Alliance. However, its membership and the presence of American troops on its soil certainly limit the possibility of independent Turkish action.

Israeli sources note that while there is certainly a long-term potential threat from Turkey, it is absurd to compare it to the existential threat that Iran currently poses to Israel.

Furthermore, it is estimated that Egypt, with its more than 100 million inhabitants, a more belligerent government, and a population that is more anti-Semitic and less secular, may pose a longer-term and more dangerous threat to the Jewish state.

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