Front page of "Cultural Press" issue 265

"Cultural Press" number 265 was published in the newspaper "Free Press"

CULTURAL SEAL number 265, in the printed edition of the newspaper "Free Press" (25-26.01.2025), in its standard format of eight pages among the contents in the field of art and cultural events has:

– interview with theater director Egon Savin about the staging of "People's Representative" at the MNT: I ​​do every play as if it were my first

– conversation with rap artist Martin Miljev – Martix: The album "Arsen" taught me that medicine and poison often go together

– the book "Milcho for Manchevski" edited by Atanas Čuposki reveals aspects of the life and work of film director Milcho Manchevski

– the book "Viewpoint" by director, producer and screenwriter Jani Bojadži brings a blend of science and fiction

– the group exhibition "Dialogue through Art" of professors from the art academies in Sofia and Skopje is set in Sofia

– Macedonian conductor Dzijan Emin, together with world-renowned pianist Francesco Tristano, will perform with the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra

– a book club of writers and readers is being formed in the bookstore of the publishing center "Tri" as part of the Winter Book Festival

– The publishing house "Ilica" published the book "Euphoria" by the Swedish author Elin Coolhead

– the publishing house "PNV Publications" from Skopje will realize the seventh edition of the project "Good Guests" in Prilep on January 25 (Saturday).

– "Ili-ili" has published the collection of short stories "Amphora" by the celebrated Italian Nobel laureate Luigi Pirandello

– the "Oksa" association is organizing a solo piano concert featuring the young Varvara Kutuzova and an exhibition of photographs by Evgeniy Evtukhov

– the series of children's events and workshops at "Union Culture" in Debar Maalo continues with the creative workshop "Superhero Mosaic".

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