Front page of "Cultural Press" issue 264

"Cultural Press" number 264 was published in the newspaper "Free Press"

CULTURAL SEAL number 264, in the printed edition of the newspaper "Free Press" (18-19.01.2025), in its standard format of eight pages among the contents in the field of art and cultural events has:

– interview with film director Ana Opačić: We need to return to the classics again and again

– conversation with writer Simona Jovanoska: Literature should not shy away from optimism

– BEAM Festival valorizes the unique energy and professionalism of the events industry

– there is fantastic acting energy in the play "God of Slaughter" at the Macedonian National Theater

– the new play at the Drama Theater, based on the cult series "The Addams Family", reveals the normal

– The Skopje Jazz Festival will promote the 2025 calendars with a matinee at "Makka Bar"

– the new concert season of the National Jazz Orchestra will begin with the event "Jazz Reading: Quintessence by Quincy Jones"

– visionary and coloristic representations of Croatian artist Danko Friščić brought the exhibition titled "Slikoids – Metalagalaxy"

– The Center for Prehistory Research has completed the geophysical scanning of prehistoric sites in the Ohrid-Prespa region and Pelagonia

– the prestigious French publishing house "Gallimard" published the collection of short stories "I'm Not Going Anywhere" by Rumena Bužarovska

– The publishing house "Dialog" published the poetry book "Step to the Abyss" by Dragica Najceska in 2024.

– The novel "Nedostig" by Simeon Jankov was published as the 330th book in the "PROAZA" edition of the "Ili-ili" publishing house from Skopje.

– The publisher "Perun Artis" will promote the poetry collection "Testament of Silk" by Lulzim Haziri on January 23 at the MKC in Skopje.

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