"Cultural Press" number 250 was published in the newspaper "Free Press"

Front page of "Cultural Press" issue 250

CULTURAL SEAL number 250, in the printed edition of the newspaper "Free Press" (5-6.10.2024), in its standard format of eight pages among the contents in the field of art and cultural events has:

- interview with film director Gotse Cvetanovski about the first Macedonian feature-length animated film "Ion Vardar vs. Galaxy": Fate loves the persistent

- a conversation with the poetess and singer Ana Pejchinova: The key is in the truth, and the lock is the heart

– the jubilee edition of the festival of European literature "Bukstar" transformed the literary sky

- until October 5, the third edition of the festival of children's theaters "Igor Madzhirov": "Everything is yours" if you keep the child in you

– five regional theaters will be visiting Drama Theater Skopje at the RUTA festival

- top soloists and conductors will be guests in the birthday season of the Macedonian Philharmonic, which will start on October 10

- the eighteenth edition of "Golden Lyre" organized by SMUM will be held from October 8 to November 3 at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle in Skopje

- the ancient Japanese music and dance for the imperial court gagaku will be presented in Skopje

- the book of the month in the City Library "Miladinovci Brothers" - Skopje during October is "Letters from a Madhouse" by Srdjan Ivanovic

- "New Romanian Drama", an anthology of contemporary Romanian drama authors selected by theater expert Oana Cristea Grigorescu, translated from Romanian by Ermis Lafazanovski, was published.

- the promotion of the book "God of batteries" by the poet Mitko Gogov published by the publishing house "Macavey" took place in KIC-Skopje

- the ceremonial awarding of the "Pegasus" award for 2024 and the promotion of the winning novel "Echo of the Acrobats" by Vladimir Jankovski will be held on October 8 at the "Literatura.mk" bookstore in "Diamond Mall".

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