"Cultural Press" number 247 was published in the newspaper "Free Press"

Front page of "Cultural Press" issue 247

CULTURAL SEAL number 247, in the printed edition of the newspaper "Free Press" (14-15.09.2024), in its standard format of eight pages among the contents in the field of art and cultural events has:

- interview with Branislav Nikolov (Pjan Slavej) about the poetry collection "Language for Two": Music and words love each other endlessly

- conversation with Filip Dimevski, editor of "Behemoth": We would like to preserve the cultural memory as long as possible

- the writer Vladimir Pishtalo is the laureate of the "Prozart 2024" literary award at the 12th "Pro-Za Balkan" festival

- the translator of the novel "Piraeus" into German, Benjamin Langer, is the winner of the "Dargi" international award

- the cultural and touristic event "The word of Koneski, the bagpipe of Pece" was held in Nebregovo

- DPM announced the names of the authors and works that entered the final round for the 2023 annual awards

– the transmedia project "On the Edge" by Gotse Nanevski and Dorian Jovanović is staged in Cifte hamam: Expanded field for expression and perception

- the fourth solo exhibition of the Macedonian author Ivan Ajievski is entitled "Monument to the Unborn"

- works by Macedonian composer Ana Pandevska will be performed in Slovenia by pianists Ana and Ivana Maznejkova

- the publisher "Ili-ili" published the translation of the book "Granica" by the writer Kapka Kasabova

- the novel "Forgotten" by Tomislav Osmanli was promoted within the Days of Macedonian Culture in Šibenik.

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