New coins for collectors' issues issued and put into circulation

The coins are called "Business Success and Happiness", "Artificial Intelligence" and "Happy Birthday"

The National Bank informs the public that the coins for business purposes "Business Success and Happiness", "Artificial Intelligence" and "Happy Birthday" have been issued and put into circulation.

Coins have the following characteristics:

"Business success and happiness"

On the obverse, in the central part of the coin, there is an inserted glass on which is printed a map of the western hemisphere and the scepter of Mercury, which are shown on the base of a wooden wheel in gold color. The name of the issuer - Republic of Northern Macedonia is displayed along the perimeter. The lower part of the obverse shows the coat of arms of our country and the year of issue of the coin - "2019", as well as the denomination "100 denars". All posts are in English.

On the reverse, in the central part of the coin, there is an inserted glass on which a map of the eastern hemisphere is printed. Above the inserted glass are pictures of handling, an old-fashioned locomotive and a boat. On the left side of the reverse is Mercury with the scepter, and on the right side - a picture of Fortuna holding a horn of abundance. Anchor and two gears are shown under the inserted glass, and above them the inscription "Ag925". At the bottom of the perimeter in English is written: "Business success and happiness".

"Artificial intelligence"

On the obverse, in the central part of the coin, there is a picture of a digital optical recognition device with built-in retina sensors and information channels that move away in the form of a network of contact nodes. The coat of arms of our country is shown in the upper part of the coin, and along the perimeter is written "Republic of Northern Macedonia". The lower part shows the inscriptions: "100 denars" and "2019" - the year of issue. All posts are in English.

On the reverse, in the central part of the coin, is displayed artificial intelligence in the form of a crystal and a circuit in the form of a human brain from which a network of sensors that surround the world is propagated. At the top of the coin is a picture of a handshake as a symbol of humanity's close cooperation with artificial intelligence. The label "Ag925" is displayed on the upper left. The inscription in English: "Artificial Intelligence" is displayed along the perimeter.

"Happy Birthday"

On the obverse, in the central part of the coin, there is a basket full of gifts and the coat of arms of our country. The inscriptions "100 denars" and "Republic of Northern Macedonia" are displayed at the bottom. The right side shows the year of issue - "2019". All posts are in English.

On the reverse, in the center of the coin, is shown a smiling baby wearing a hat and holding a diaper in his hand. A basket handle ornament is displayed along the perimeter of the coin. Flowers are presented on the lower part of the coin. Inscription in English: "Happy Birthday". The mark "Ag925" is displayed on the left.

The price of the coin "Business Success and Happiness" is 3.000,00 denars, the coin "Artificial Intelligence" is 3.200,00 denars, and the coin "Happy Birthday" is 4.000,00 denars.

Collectibles issued by the National Bank are legal tender in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

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