The Italian woman regrets her move, wants to hug the boxer from Algeria


All the drama that happened yesterday at the Paris Olympics, after the fight of the Italian boxer Angela Carini и Iman Khalif from Algeria, received its own epilogue.

After only 46 seconds of the fight, the Italian lost the match to the Algerian, who before that gave her a painful blow from the street, and Carini broke down in tears after the fight and refused to say goodbye to her rival.

After the fight, she noted that no one had ever hit her that hard, and the whole story probably would have flown under the radar if Halif hadn't been talked about as a transgender man who was allowed to compete with women. .

– This whole controversy saddens me. I also feel sorry for my opponent. The IOC says that she can fight and I respect that decision - Karini told "Gazeta dello sport".

The Italian still stands by her decision to surrender the match, but she regrets not shaking her rival's hand.

– It was not something I intended to do. I want to apologize to her. And to her and to everyone else. I was furious because all my chances at the Games evaporated before my eyes - said Karini, who added that she would hug Halif next time.

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