Lidija Trajkovksa / Photo: Facebook

The missing Lidija Trajkovska is the woman found in the waters of the Vardar

A few days ago it was Woman found in the waters of the Vardar River near Zelenikovo. After DNA analysis, it has been determined that this is the missing 43-year-old Lidija Trajkovska from the Skopje village of Jurumleri.

Her family also confirmed the information.

– We want to inform the public that the body of our sister Lidija has been found. For now, this is the only official information we have, we do not know how and from what she died, when we have official news from the competent services, we will announce it to the public. We are all shocked, but at the same time, we thank God for bringing her back to us, at least to bury her with dignity. The period of uncertainty that we went through, and what is happening now, we do not wish on anyone. It is too difficult… We thank everyone who supported us in the difficult moments while we were looking for our sister, to everyone who put themselves in our shoes and showed care and understanding – emphasized Lidija's brother and sister, announced "Focus".

Lidija disappeared on November 8th of last year, when she was last seen at the bus stop in the village.

The search for her lasted for months, and her brother and sister sought international help to find her.

The missing Trajkovska is being searched for with a drone, her belongings have been found


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