Is there an end to women's suffering? How to prevent bloating in the menopause


Climacteric is a period of numerous changes in a woman's body and almost none of them is pleasant. Flatulence is also on the list.

What happened to change the (false) belief that women never emit gas and that only men do? In fact, gas is quite normal and common.

Why does bloating appear in the climax?
Weight gain often occurs during menopause. How do you know that obesity is the cause of a big belly in menopausal women, not bloating due to gas?

Climacteric bloating is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Sudden weight gain after eating;
- Changes in the size and shape of the abdomen during the day;
- Discomfort, feeling of tension and pain.

There are several opinions on the cause of bloating in the menopause:
- The reason is thought to lie in the change in the level of the hormone estrogen and its fluctuations. In situations where estrogen is high, it leads to bloating as well as water retention in the body. Excess water in the body is one of the reasons for a big belly in menopausal women.
- Aging of the digestive system causes the formation of more gas in the stomach during menopause than in younger or middle years.
- Changes in habits and diet. Women are often advised to change their diet when they come to menopause to prevent bone loss. Doctors then advise foods without saturated fats, products rich in fiber and estrogen, which are often products that cause flatulence. Also, many women try to replace calcium by increasing their intake of milk and dairy products. In some cases, lactose intolerance can cause menopausal flatulence.
Flatulence is not the only problem with menopause. There are also vomiting, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal changes.

How to reduce bloating in the menopause?
Pay attention to the diet: Foods rich in fiber, sugars and starch are harder to digest and then the intestines produce more gas. The black list on that issue includes: broccoli, beets, cabbage, cereals (except rice), legumes (beans, lentils, peas). But that does not mean you should not consume them at all. You need to gradually introduce them into your diet. Start with a small amount and then increase it. This will give your body a chance to get used to them. Carbonated drinks are a special story here. Eat fewer foods with a high glycemic index (white bread and white flour pasta, white potatoes…). Try to avoid gluten, it may harm you and make you bloated. Eat more protein and healthy fats. It includes eggs, white chicken, fish, cheese, fruits and vegetables.
Eat the fruit separately, for snacks, at least 2 hours before and after eating. In combination with fats it causes flatulence!
Eat foods rich in potassium. Potassium regulates body fluids and thus minimizes bloating. Bananas, tomatoes, spinach and mango are great sources of potassium.
Eat slower and chew longer. Smaller foods are easier to digest, and salivary enzymes play a role in this process. Avoid salty foods.

Get moving. Inactivity also causes the intestines to work more slowly.
Drink enough water. Good hydration and adequate fluid intake will certainly aid digestion.

Remedies for bloating
In addition to changes in habits, you can try to reduce this discomfort with anti-flatulence drugs that are available without a prescription.
If your big stomach is a consequence of water retention in the body (which you will understand after that, because it is huge and bloated, but you do not have gas), you can try some diuretics. Finally, hormone pills can be a solution that can help keep things under control.
Some natural supplements, such as aloe vera and digestive enzymes, can also help. Probiotics can be a solution in some cases and help digestion. When it comes to medicines, it is best to consult your doctor about their use.

Tea against bloating

Herbal teas can help relieve menopausal bloating. Try ginger, mint tea and chamomile tea are great choices if you want to eliminate bloating. Add fresh chopped parsley to the dish, because it is a natural diuretic. Yogurt, on the other hand, contains "good" bacteria that can reduce bloating. Finally, one of the ways to get rid of bloating is the least pleasant - to get rid of gas. If this does not go as planned, you can try massaging your abdomen or lying on your stomach and pulling your knees towards you.
If the bloating does not stop, lasts for weeks and causes pain, call a doctor. It can be a sign of some more serious diseases.


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