And SDSM increased the minimum wage, so it lost the most drastically in history, says the representative of the bosses, Angel Dimitrov

Photo: TV21

Angel Dimitrov from the Organization of Employers of Macedonia said tonight in the show "Business21" on TV21 that the previous Government of SDSM drastically increased the minimum wage, but in the end it lost the most drastically in history.

According to him, experience does not show that it is a chance for success in elections.

"The previous government immediately raised the salary from 10 to 12 thousand denars, then from 12 to 15 thousand denars, then from 15 to 18 thousand denars. "They drastically increased the minimum wage, but in the end they lost the most drastically in the history of the Social Democratic Union, which means that the problems in the country are not solved just by increasing the minimum wage," said Angelov.

Trendafilov: If you ask the employers, we would still work for them for 10.000 denars

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