Cats also grieve when they lose a friend, even if it's a dog

Photo: Sam Lion / Pexels

A new study conducted in the USA shows that cats are not as cold as it is believed, but they are also sad when they lose a "friend", just like dogs.

The research included owners of 412 cats, whose close creatures – another cat, dog, etc., recently died. The findings, as reported by The Times of London, reveal that these pets express grief in different ways. Some of them stop eating, while others sleep more or play less, and some require more attention. And professor from the University of Oakland in the US state of Michigan, Jennifer Wonk agrees that cats grieve.

- It is usually believed that cats, unlike dogs, are cold animals, and more distant, because they are not "social", etc. I think we misjudged cats... And these animals, however, create communities with a hierarchy, so it's logical that someone is missing - says Wonk.

Her research included 412 cat owners whose friend, another cat or dog had recently died. Jennifer Wonk asked the owners to describe the behavior of their pets and came to the definite conclusion that it had changed and that the cats were expressing sadness.




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