And next year there will be a call for vouchers for inverters

In the spring of next year, the Government will again issue a call for vouchers for inverters, after the great interest this year, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced during his visit to Veles.

- Yes, absolutely. Before I came to Veles, I had a meeting with the Minister of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources, Sanja Bozinovska, and I was informed that in less than two days, more than 85 percent of the vouchers were distributed. It says that the interest is great and we are doing everything to finish the project, and in the future to increase it, of course, if there is interest - said Mickoski.

A total of 6.182 inverter vouchers were awarded this year. In front of the gyms in Skopje and Bitola there were long queues to collect the vouchers. They can be used until November 30.

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