Hristovski will wait for the official decision before he will say whether he will resign from the position of director in ANB

The director of the National Security Agency, Bojan Hristovski, will wait to formally receive the decision of the Teaching and Research Council that he has been selected as an assistant at the Faculty of Security, and then he will say whether he will resign from the position of director of the National Security Agency.

- I have not yet been formally notified of the possible decision of the Teaching and Research Council. As soon as I am informed, I will inform you - said Hristovski in a statement for "Sloboden Pechat" when asked if he will resign from the directorship if he chooses to work as an assistant.

The Faculty of Security directed us to address our question whether Hristovski should now resign from the position of director.

According to the legal procedures, if Hristovski wants to be an assistant at the Faculty of Security, he should give up his directorship at ANB, resign from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where his position is suspended, and establish a new employment relationship with the Faculty of Security .

In fact, his selection as an assistant should end with the establishment of an employment relationship by the end of this year. When he was elected director of the National Security Agency, he was an employee of the Ministry of the Interior, and with the appointment decision, he put his employment on hold.

Given that the Government appointed him with a decision, if he decides to be an assistant, the Government should pass a decision on his dismissal.

In order to establish an employment relationship with the Faculty of Security as an assistant, he should submit a decision to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to terminate the term of office of the director and unfreeze the employment relationship. Then he should resign from the Ministry of the Interior and establish an employment relationship with the faculty.

By the way, yesterday, at a session of the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Faculty of Security, Hristovski was elected as an assistant in the scientific area of ​​Forensic Sciences.

Security guards with disputed biographies - the SCSC has been waiting for months for security certificates to check them

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