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Gruevski called: He denies that he was "in a game" with Zaev and Kovacevski about the constitutional amendments and the Criminal Code

After more than four years, ex-prime minister and former leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski is currently speaking live in a show on the Infomax portal. At the beginning, he said that he wanted to send the denial through the 360 ​​degrees show, and he also spoke by phone with the journalist Vasko Popetrevski, but they did not have the technical means to do so. Gruevski denied that he wrote the amendments to the Criminal Code and that he then gave them to USB to Ali Ahmeti.

- Those are Udbah mottos. I am amazed at what these people do. Instead of being focused on overthrowing this Government they are dealing with me. This Government was ripe to fall in 2020 - said Gruevski.

He denies that he is "in the game" with Zoran Zaev and Dimitar Kovacevski for changing the Constitution. He says that he has not had a conversation with MPs for more than a year.

He says that the citizens are dissatisfied with the current politicians, both the government and the opposition, so his rating among the people is still seriously high, even though he has not appeared in the Macedonian public since February 2019.

Gruevski says that he is restrained, despite the fact that he does not agree with the policies that Mickoski leads, he claims that he does not want to enter into endless debates, because he has many details to share, with which he would seal the political career of both Mickoski and Nikoloski .

- After they brutally attacked me, I try to refrain from doing any harm, I try to refrain from the nonsense they do - he said.

At the end of the interview, Gruevski threatened that if the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE continues to unjustifiably accuse him, he will publish details that the party's leadership will not want to hear.

After the inclusion of Nikola Gruevski, the Infomax interview continued with the mayor of the city of Skopje, Danela Arsovska, who said that she does not rule out the possibility of forming a party together with former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

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