Grubi: I am withdrawing from politics and public life, although I am clean as a tear

Photo: Facebook / Artan Grubi

Former Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, who two days ago was put on the "black list" of the USA due to involvement in corruption and influence trading in the judiciary, tonight through a long post on Facebook. said that he is withdrawing from politics and public life, but without accepting responsibility for the heavy accusations from Washington and claiming that he is "clean". Grubi says of the move that it is "a personal decision in the service of the common good."

Here is Gruby's full Facebook post:

"Dear citizens,

All my public life, I have been uncompromisingly dedicated to the equality of the Albanians in North Macedonia, to a region in peace, to full integration in NATO, to a strategic partnership with the United States of America and to membership in the European Union.
These are values ​​that are not only my driving force, but also an obligation that I have always felt.

Our achievements, of which we are all witnesses, are not only the credit of my dedication and that of my colleagues, but also of the sincere and continuous support of our friends from the United States of America and the European Union.

The fact that today North Macedonia is a member of NATO and has started negotiations for membership in the European Union is a clear proof of this cooperation and common commitment.

But the price of this commitment, a price that has always been in the service of values ​​and justice, is heavy for me and my family.
The massive attacks over the years, misinterpretations and unfair strikes have made me reflect on my role at this important moment for the country and its future.

Although the decision emphasizes that it is not for condemnation, but for encouraging the improvement of behavior, I am before God, family and friends as clean as a tear, but with the intention of contributing to the truth, which I see many of you already know, and for in order not to be a political burden, I decided to withdraw from public life and I informed President Ahmeti about this from the very first day.
This is a difficult decision, but necessary for the peace of my family and the preservation of my personal and political integrity, as well as to support the continuity of the work and dedication of our leader Ali Ahmeti.

Believe in his right path, a path that was and remains the greatest hope for Albanians and for all citizens of North Macedonia.
I always remain committed to these values ​​and will stand by them, as a citizen and as a supporter of the common good.
With respect and a huge heartfelt thanks for your support over the years, Artan Grubi"

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