Gruby and judge Bezzetti on the black list of the United States, took bribes

Photo: Government of RSM/printscreen

The State Department has appointed 14 new people to the Black Face of the United States, among them are the former Deputy Prime Minister and senior party official member of DUI Artan Grubi as well as Judge Enver Begeti, announced State Department.

They have been publicly identified as having engaged in significant corruption by accepting bribes to disrupt court proceedings related to the criminal conviction of Sasho Mijalkov, the former director of UBK, the State Department said.

From there, they add that the members of Grubi's closest family are also marked.

• Pursuant to Section 7031(c), the State Department publicly indicts Artan Grubi and Enver Bejeti for their involvement in significant corruption by accepting bribes to undermine the judicial process related to the criminal conviction of Sasho Mijalkov, director of the Macedonian Security and Counterintelligence Agency ( UBC). Mijalkov was indicted in 2022 for substantial corruption under section 7031(c), and OFAC sanctioned him under E.O. 14033. As part of this action, members of Grubi's immediate family have also been appointed, according to the State Department.

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