Photo: Zlatko Perinski, Facebook

The main initiative of the new law on local self-government is the impeachment of a mayor

The main initiative of the new law on local self-government is the impeachment of a mayor, which will increase transparency and accountability in the work. The second thing that we want to include in the law is the introduction of communal supervision that will be under the authority of the local self-government, said the Minister of Local Self-Government Zlatko Perinski.

At a consultative event in Bitola in which mayors from the Pelagonian and southwestern regions participated, Perinski emphasized that the new legal solution will modernize the current Law on Local Self-Government.

- It is a systemic law that requires two-thirds of the Parliament and of course Badenter for its adoption. The main initiative is the impeachment of a mayor, which we believe will increase transparency and accountability in the daily operations of local governments, and the second tool that we want to foresee in the legal solution is the introduction of communal supervision, which will be under the authority of local governments. We realized that the current legal solution should be modernized and adapted based on modern living conditions. In this way, deviant occurrences of a small group of citizens will be prevented who improperly deposit and dispose of waste on a daily basis, improperly handle urban equipment for which local governments allocate significant funds from their budgets, and in that sense we want to correct and prevent that behavior in order to have a nicer place to live - said the minister.

Revocation of the mayor from next year, the Government will introduce a new law on local self-government

This legal solution was part of the pre-election program of VMRO-DPMNE.

In the current law from 2002, there are no such decisions, and the mayor's mandate ends by operation of law if he resigns, in case of death, if he is sentenced to prison for more than six months, if he is deprived of business capacity by a final decision, if he commits case of incompatibility for performing the function, in case of unjustified absence longer than six months and if he ceases to be a resident of the municipality.

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