
Hunger doesn't know what a boycott is: A bunch of people came this morning, and one thing is particularly interesting, say Croatian vendors

"Every day I get hungry at about the same time - around 13 p.m. I get hungry. It was the same today during the shop boycott in Croatia. Unfortunately, my stomach didn't boycott the hunger today either, so I had to become a strikebreaker and go buy something" - this is how a journalist from "Slobodna Dalmacija" begins his story about the shop boycott Croatian citizens.

And so, I enter my neighborhood bakery, and there's not a living soul in it, except for two nice and always smiling saleswomen.

"Is anyone here?" I asked them.

– Not now, but this morning there were a lot of people. They came to eat burek. They pounced on the burek as if they had never eaten it before, one of them answers me.

So they ate burek during the boycott?

– Yes, but do you know what's most interesting? That none of those who shopped this morning were from this neighborhood. Never, never have any of them entered our bakery.

We asked a few of them where they were from. They told us that they were from other neighborhoods, but that they hadn't shopped there this morning, so that no one would see them.

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