Boris Pistorius/ Photo Droese / imago stock&people / Profimedia

Germany is taking the leading role in the defense of the Baltic, says Defense Minister Pistorius

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has assured NATO allies from the Baltic states that they can rely on Germany to deter Russia from attacking.

"Germany takes responsibility. And Germany is taking the lead," Pistorius said at a security conference in the Estonian capital, Tallinn.

Pistorius guarantees Ukraine long-term defense support from Russian forces. We will stand by them as long as necessary, he said.

He warned of dire consequences if Russian President Vladimir Putin succeeds in his intentions. "Putin uses disgusting, criminal and inhumane methods," Pistorius said.

The German defense minister reiterated plans to station a Bundeswehr brigade in Lithuania. Plans call for 4.000 members of the Bundeswehr, as well as their families, to be permanently stationed in that country.

The details of this will be worked out by the end of the year. "We will accommodate German servicemen and women in Lithuania as soon as the necessary infrastructure is in place," Pistorius said.

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