Quarrel between Xhaferi and Micevski / Photo: Free Press / Dragan Mitreski

Gashi confirms Dauti's resignation, VMRO-DPMNE and ZNAM leave the hall

The Speaker of the Parliament, Afrim Gashi, made a concession and still noted the resignation of the MP Ilire Dauti from the European Front as the President of the Social Policy Committee and allowed her to explain her irrevocable resignation, after previously promising that she would do so at the next session. The ruling MPs from VMRO-DPMNE and ZNAM demonstratively left the hall before Dauti could explain her resignation.

In explaining her irrevocable resignation, Dauti said that it was incomprehensible to her why she was not dismissed from office during a voted interpellation.

-For me, the dismissal from office was clear after the voted interpellation. To be objective, I consulted with experts and they emphasized that two moments were crucial – the interpellation was voted with 61 votes and the decision that the interpellation is final. The Elections and Appointments Commission is competent for dismissal. The Elections and Appointments Commission does not have the competence for dismissal after a voted interpellation because the plenum makes a final decision and this functions in a democratic state. If we lived in such a state, this would not have happened, which is why I resigned – said Dauti.

She told the ruling MPs that it didn't matter to her that they had fled the chamber because she didn't need their opinion. Dauti called the MPs who voted for the interpellation disrespectful MPs, and President Gashi was also given the same epithet.

-You disrespectful Gashi, tell the Albanians why you needed the conclusion of the interpellation session - said Dauti.

Gashi replied that he would not stoop to her level.

- I note that Dauti's mandate as chairwoman of the Social Policy Committee is ending - said the President of the Parliament.

Drama in the Parliament: Dauti resigns, Gashi does not give her a word

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