Traffic accident in the center of Skopje / photo: Dejan Srbinovski / Sloboden Pechat

PHOTO: Serious traffic accident near the Kuzman student dormitory, there are injuries

A serious collision between a van and a Mercedes car occurred tonight at the intersection of Kliment Ohridski Boulevard and Dimitrie Chupovski Street in the center of Skopje, near the Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu student dormitory in the center of Skopje.

Traffic accident in the center of Skopje / photo: Dejan Srbinovski / Sloboden Pechat

According to our reporter at the scene of the accident, there were injured people in the car, who were taken to the hospital. The photos from "Sloboden Pechat" show the destroyed car and the police regulating traffic and conducting an inspection.

Traffic accident in Skopje / photo: Dejan Srbinovski / Sloboden Pechat

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