Photo: SOPA Images / ddp USA / Profimedia

PHOTO | Open garden with 200.000 tulips: Tulip Day celebrated in Amsterdam!

On Saturday, the center of Amsterdam was filled with vibrant colors, aromas and joy as National Tulip Day traditionally opened the season of this famous flower. This year, this symbolic day took on even greater significance, as it coincided with the celebration of Amsterdam's 750th anniversary.

On Dam Square, 200.000 tulips were carefully arranged in a beautiful open garden accessible to all visitors. The garden was created as a gift to the city's residents and guests, symbolizing the long-standing relationship between Amsterdam and its iconic flowers.

Photo: Sylvia Lederer / Xinhua News / Profimedia

Visitors, including numerous tourists from all over the world, had the opportunity to collect a bouquet of tulips of their choice for free. The event not only attracted flower lovers but also highlighted Amsterdam as a center of culture and natural beauty.

As part of the event, organizers set up special stands where visitors could learn about the history of tulips, their economic importance in the Dutch Golden Age, as well as Amsterdam's role as one of the leading centers for tulip cultivation and export.

With Tulip Day as the perfect start, the Netherlands has officially entered the season of these beautiful flowers.

Photo: SOPA Images / ddp USA / Profimedia
Photo: SOPA Images / ddp USA / Profimedia

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