Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

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Former Serbian footballer Duško Tošić celebrates his birthday today and turns 40.

On that occasion, the first and so far only congratulatory message from his younger daughter Nika Tošić, who received it upon her marriage to Serbian music star Jelena Karleusa, appeared on his Instagram profile.

Nika addressed her father with an emotional photo of her hugging him when she was a little girl, writing briefly:

– Happy birthday, Dad.

Printscreen / Instagram

Dusko immediately shared her post, showing what his priorities are in life and that he misses his daughter.

In the photo, the two are hugging while enjoying themselves at a restaurant, and his daughter shared the post just after midnight, which Dusko did as well.

Nika is otherwise very active on social media, and her posts are very interesting. The charismatic Nika is extremely popular on Instagram and TikTok, and many advise her to pursue a career in acting because she is a true showman and someone who would do great in that role.

By the way, Nika has shown affection for her father since she was a child, and when she was younger she often posted moments spent with him as well as jokes they made.

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