Ben Affleck / Photo: Printscreen / YouTube/ Profimedia

PHOTO | Unexpected visit to Ben Affleck's home: FBI knocks on his door in the middle of the Los Angeles fire

The home of Ben Affleck in Brentwood, Los Angeles this weekend he was visited by FBI agents, he writes "TMZ".

Namely, in the photos published by the American media, you can see how two FBI agents, together with two Los Angeles deputy sheriffs are standing in front of the door of the actor's home in the neighborhood where he now lives, after he recently divorced his ex-wife Jennifer Lopez.

As "TMZ" learns, police officers were in the area and were investigating an incident in which a private drone collided with a firefighting plane, damaging it. The plane was helping firefighters battle wildfires that have so far claimed 24 lives and destroyed thousands of homes in Los Angeles.

It's unclear if FBI agents have contacted Ben, but sources close to TMZ say the actor was not a target of the FBI's investigation, so there's nothing to worry about.

To recall, Affleck had to leave his mansion worth 20 million dollars, which remained untouched by the fire. This weekend, the paparazzi filmed him in front of his villa with his eldest daughter Violet (19), who at one point hugged her.

VIDEO | Ben Affleck photographed in front of his Los Angeles mansion after the evacuation, his expression says it all

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