PHOTO | DUI officials are already present in front of the Constitutional Court

DUI before the Constitutional Court Photo: Sloboden pechat/Slobodan Djuric

Before the start of the session of the Constitutional Court scheduled for 9:30 a.m., which will discuss the evaluation of the constitutionality and legality of the Law on the Use of Languages, DUI officials are already present in the tents set up in front of the court building.

Among those present are Bujar Osmani, the general secretary of DUI, Faton Ameti and Arber Ademi. According to the announcements, while the judges are making their decisions, music will be played in front of the building of the Constitutional Court, and addresses and speeches by DUI officials are planned. The possibility of addressing the leader of the integratives, Ali Ahmeti, is not excluded.

There is a noticeably increased police presence in front of and around the court, and the bridges over the Vardar River are closed and only those who work near the Constitutional Court are allowed to enter. Also, there are police in front of the Parliament and the Government.

Police in front of the Constitutional Court - Photo: Free Press - Dragan Mitreski
Police in front of the Constitutional Court - Photo: Free Press - Dragan Mitreski

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