The educational and cultural center "Laboratorium" is celebrating its first birthday with activities throughout the week

Laboratory Birthday Party Poster

The program on the occasion of the birthday of the educational and cultural center "Laboratory" reflects some of the projects that "Laboratory" had in the past year, diverse, unusual and active. The multi-day and diverse program started on December 3 and will last until December 8.

On December 3, the humanitarian event "Giving Tuesday" was held in cooperation with the center for social initiatives "Nadezh", which aims to raise the awareness of young people in our country about the importance of reusing used clothes and accessories.

The evening of December 4 is reserved for the "All star-Jam session", when participants of the Lab's "Experimental Jam" project will perform, with an open invitation to all artists and musicians who have been guests in the past year. Thursday (December 5) is dedicated to local craft producers and young DJs, and the DJ duo "DIK" will take care of the music part.

The weekend agenda for the birthday of "Laboratory" will start with a new initiative of the educational and cultural center, "Social Friday", intended for the community and for local activism. "Laboratorium" will convert the fence of "Lab Café" into a bus stop at the "European University" stop. The morning will be dedicated to older citizens, who will be offered a platform and space to form a senior club within the "Lab", a place where their ideas and wishes will be listened to and realized.

The evening weekend program begins with an announcement of the most exciting project of "Laboratoryum" to date – the new online radio "Stereolab". This new radio aims to promote new independent Macedonian music, but will also nurture old and new musical tendencies from around the world. Disc jockeys will be Ilina Angelovska and Ivana Dragšić, accompanied by a performance of "Alexander the Great" - Gacho.

Saturday, December 7, will start with the children's corner, where the "Lab" will offer several fun, interactive and educational projects to the youngest. The program will include an interactive toy repair workshop with which a puppet show will be improvised, there will be workshops, a children's music show and a "mini disco".

In the evening, the movie night will follow, where in addition to the screening of the Macedonian film "Housekeeping for Beginners" directed by Goran Stolevski, there will also be a movie quiz and entertainment with movie music.

The grand finale on December 8 will be crowned with an Open Day in the "Laboratory", i.e. an all-day program dispersed in several corners of the hall - fine art, theater, games, sports, printing of "Lab merch" live, as well as several musical performances on the big and small stage. DJ sets will have Janko petel javaše, DDs, Disco Ninja, Double G, and "M!" and "Kem" will perform live. The event on Sunday will run from 13 pm to 1 am.

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