A third of Greeks are concerned about over-tourism
Greeks' views on the impact of tourism and the phenomenon of over-tourism have been captured in a new survey by the Etheron Institute, conducted by AboutPeople, reports the Greek newspaper Naftemboriki.
According to the survey, 30,5% believe that Greece suffers from excessive tourism and that urgent measures to limit it are needed, 45,6% believe that the country does not yet face a problem with overtourism, but caution is needed in the future, while 19,6, XNUMX% are not worried about over-tourism and believe that the more tourists visit the country, the better.
Respondents who live in tourist areas evaluated the impact of tourism in their area, where 67,2% consider the effect positive, while 30,8% characterize it as negative.
At the national level, 74,4% evaluated the impact of tourism in Greece positively, while 24,4% had the opposite opinion. Positive effects were recorded on the economy (average 5,61), jobs (average 5,30) and cultural events (average 4,86).
Negative effects on environmental pollution (average 2,97), punctuality (average 2,89) and rents (average 2,34) were recorded. The survey was conducted online from July 22 to 24, 2024, on a nationwide sample of 1.002 men and women aged 17 and over.