Two awards for "Lena and Vladimir" at the film festival in Trebinje

The crew of the film "Lena and Vladimir" at the festival in Trebinje

The Macedonian feature film "Lena and Vladimir" directed by Igor Alexov won two awards at the Mediterranean and European Film Festival in Trebinje, BiH, which took place from July 28 to August 2. 30 films from 15 countries were shown at the festival.

The outstanding actor Tony Naumovsky received the Grand Charter of Leotard for his breathtaking portrayal of the main character Vladimir. His "minimalist and emotionally powerful interpretation of the complex character of Vladimir in the film is truly exceptional," reads the award's explanation.

The director of photography Dusan Kardalevski received an award for his incredible work on the film "Lena and Vladimir". His "visually and colorfully opulent photography brought the modern cinematic fairy tale to life in a way that is both fascinating and unforgettable."

The film "Lena and Vladimir" directed by Igor Alexov was shot according to the script of Alexander Rusyakov. The main roles in the film are played by actors Tony Naumovski as Vladimir and Sara Klimoska as Lena. As an actor, Naumovski has more than 200 roles in film and theater behind him, and here he realizes a character role that he leads very accurately and precisely from the beginning to the end of the film.

A scene from the movie "Lena and Vladimir"

Actors Petar Mircevski, Petre Arsovski, Blagoja Chorevski, Kiril Korunovski, Luran Ahmeti, Goran Ilic, Deniz Abdullah, Stefan Vujisic, Angela Dimitrova, Nikola Kuzelov and others appear in episodic roles.

The production is by "Mind" - Skopje and "DMF Films" in co-production with "Terirem Production" from Serbia, producers are Dejan Iliev and Ilija Ciriviri, cinematographer is Dushan Kardalevski, editing is by Martin Ivanov, production design by Vlatko Zafirkovski, costumes by designed by Rade Vasilev, the design of the masks and make-up is by Goran Ignjatovski, the scenography is by Alexandra Petkova and Vlatko Hristov, the music is by Darko Spasovski, the casting was done by Katerina Grubach. The film is dedicated to the prematurely deceased actor Luran Ahmeti (1974-2021) from the Albanian Theater in Skopje.

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