Photo: JP "Laika", printscreen

Two people will be held accountable for the torture and murder of the dog Felix

The Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Skopje has filed charges against two people for the torture and murder of the dog Felix.

"On November 19.11.2024, 07.01.2025, the two accomplices subjected the dog Felix, a male, black, about one year old, to unnecessary suffering and pain, exposing him to suffering. The first defendant, with a hard wooden object in the shape of a stick and without justifiable reason, began to hit the dog several times in the head and body, causing him serious injuries. Then, together with the second defendant, they tied him up with wire and dragged him tied up in the yard to a container, where they threw him, thinking that the dog was dead. As a result of the injuries, the dog died on January XNUMX, XNUMX. The public prosecutor also submitted a proposal for determining a precautionary measure - mandatory reporting to the Court for the two defendants, taking into account primarily the object of the incrimination of this criminal offense expressed through the protection of animals from inhumane treatment," the Prosecutor's Office informed.

Last week, citizens launched a petition signed by over 11 people, demanding that institutions do their job and do what the laws require.

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