The two "moratoriums" of the new government that will not succeed

denko maleski
Professor Denko Maleski, Photo: Free Press / Archive

We are slowly understanding that the changed geopolitics of the European continent opens up the chance for relatively quick membership in the EU. What we do not understand is that the same geopolitics makes it imperative to adapt our government to the strategy of the big players.

Do you remember that recently the new government declared the impossible - a moratorium on ethnic issues? Our goal is to deal with crime and corruption, not to deal with ethnic issues, was the message of VMRO-DPMNE, since it won power, with the help of ethnic issues.
She then branded DUI's leadership as the mastermind behind the crime and, verbally for the time being, set out to clean things up with them personally. With such a procedure, he stopped the dialogue with this influential party of the ethnic Albanians, declaring all their political demands to be an attempt to save themselves from prison for the crime committed.
By the way, the party in power also made one of the biggest mistakes in the politics of democratic states: to declare the leadership of the party as people who represent no one but themselves. Do you see what is happening these days in the most delicate sphere of our life, the inter-ethnic one? Even if it is true that the DUI leadership is ready to radicalize inter-ethnic relations in order to "save" itself, the dialogue on major social issues must continue, and the government should carefully pave the way to justice for the slow judicial process. Threatening tirades from the top of the state with arrests only fuel the atmosphere for inter-ethnic confrontation.
Because if someone does not adhere strictly to democratic behavior, the other can do it too and decide to "pour the ethnic marbles" everywhere. This is happening to us these days on the street with flags, in schools with children in military uniforms, in front of consulates with billboards... We can state one thing for sure: the moratorium on ethnic topics in domestic politics has failed because it is not in the power of any government to she "stopped" life, no matter how much she didn't like it.
Last week, Prime Minister Mickoski requested a new "moratorium", this time in international relations. That is our red line and we do not deviate from it even a millimeter, he said. If the EU wants to be hostage to policies from the Middle Ages, referring to Bulgarian policies, so be it. Let us not be left to do our homework, the one with the Copenhagen criteria, as we understand them. Thus, the new government requested an even more impossible "moratorium", this time in international relations. It's like asking planet earth to stop spinning so we can come down and rest. States, especially small ones, have no such choice: they have to turn as the world turns if they want to survive. We are slowly understanding that the changed geopolitics of the European continent opens up the chance for a relatively quick membership in the EU. What we do not understand is that the same geopolitics makes it imperative to adapt our government to the strategy of the big players. And on their terms, not ours. Therefore, requests to "leave us" to write our homework in peace are futile. Such a thing does not exist in international politics. There is only one simple and strict regularity in relations between states: pressure and influence, in an attempt to force someone to do something that, otherwise, he would not do voluntarily. So, there is no moratorium on political processes, and the pressures on the government will continue. A politician is like a juggler who has to keep more balls in the air and, moreover, he has to move. Forward, preferably.

(The author is a professor and the first minister of foreign affairs)


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